Monday, August 25, 2014

Teachers...Molders of Dreams

Last week at our convocation, our Interim Superintendent Sonny Cruse closed his remarks with a poem by Clark Mollenhoff entitled, Teachers...Molders of Dreams. We thought we would share it with you here on this first day of school.  Remember, if you teach children, you are a molder of dreams...

Teachers . . . Molders of Dreams
Clark R. Mollenhoff

You are the molders of their dreams
The gods who build or crush
Their young beliefs of right or wrong.
You are the spark that sets aflame
The poet’s hand or lights the flame
Of some great singer’s song.
You are the god of the young, the very young
You are the guardian of a million dreams
Your every smile or frown
Can heal or pierce a heart
You are a hundred lives, a thousand lives.
Yours the pride of loving them
And the sorrow too.
Your patient work, your touch
Make you the gods of hope
Who fill their souls with dreams

To make those dreams come true.

Huntsville independent school district huntsville isd matthew lahey

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