Friday, August 15, 2014

Dr. Steve Johnson- It's Not a Retirement, It's a Re-retirement!

Last night, we came together to offer a hearty "Happy Trails!" and "Thank You!" to Dr. Steve Johnson, our superintendent for the last three and a half years.  Students, Teachers, Principals, Staff and Board Members- past and present- all came out to celebrate.

Dr. J and Sonny Cruse seeing "eye to eye."

Dr. J shakes hands with FFA officer Brice Davis.
Dr. J's roots run deep: He began his career in 1972 as a Teacher of Vocational Agriculture.

Larry Brown and Board of Trustees Vice President Rissie Owens
As you may already know, "Dr. J" came out of retirement after nearly 40 years as an educator and visionary leader to take the superintendent position at a critical time in Huntsville ISD.

HISD Board of Trustee Member and Secretary Tracy Stoudt
L-R FFA Advisor Jaqueline Nettuno with the FFA Officers, Dr.J,
and fellow FFA Advisors David Sheffield & Kenneth Goines.

He initially gave a two year commitment, but stayed on to continue to lead the district.

Toxie Olyphant, Vanetta Mills and Helen Watkins were among the many folks to come out.
With his help, we are now poised to continue the good work of educating and serving the children of Huntsville.
Amy Turner and Deborah McNeil.

Three generations of the Johnson Family came out to celebrate.
Here, Dr. J's gets some help from his grandchildren opening up the gift of an iPad.
As Dr. J said, he has about three apps and his grandkids have about 133, so he has plenty of willing tutors!

Jim Kreier breaks the ice and helps himself to a treat.

Former Board Members Riley Tilley and David Standlee

Tim Hooks and Beth Burt

By the way, here's a tip about Dr. J we heard from Interim Superintendent Sonny Cruse:  want to know what might be on the retiring superintendent's future schedule?  Let's just say Dr. Johnson bought a boat, and christened it, "In a Meeting!"

Matthew Lahey  Huntsville ISD Huntsville Independent School District


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