Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thank You, & Happy Fourth of July!!

It's not quite Fourth of July, so the busyness of playing, cooking out and fireworks-watching 
of the day is not quite here.  But the feeling behind the celebration is something we can consider now and over the holiday weekend.

You've seen the bumper stickers and heard the politicians remind us:  Freedom Isn't Free.
 It can almost sound like a cliché, but we know through our own experience this is true.  

If we ourselves have not served, then a child or brother, sister, mom, dad, 
a classmate, a teacher, friend or cousin has.  

We know or can imagine what that sacrifice looks like and how it feels to be away
 from friends, family and all the comforts of home.  
And, how those of us that serve miss birthdays, graduations and even births or deaths of loved ones.  

Some of the Huntsville ISD family have given the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives for our freedom.  
Freedom isn't Free, and we thank the men and women that sacrifice to ensure ours.

Have a Fun, Safe and Happy Fourth of July!

Matthew Lahey  Huntsville ISD Huntsville Independent School District

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